گروه سرمایه گذاری بزرگ آسا (ASA)

ASA's large investment group
گروه سرمایه گذاری بزرگ آسا (ASA)

گروه سرمایه گذاری بزرگ آسا ابتدا فعالیت خود را در حوزه املاک و مستغلات شروع کرد.
...مشاور برگزیده مانیشن-1394.
.... کارآفرین برترکشور در حوزه املاک-1397و1396.
. ..مدیرنمونه کشور-1397.
...دارای گواهینامهlso1004 جهت آموزش مشاوران مبتدی.
...دارای تیم بزرگ مشاوره، طراحی وبازسازی.
... فعالیت با شرکتهای بزرگ ساختمانی در زمینه طراحی در کشورهای استرالیا، لهستان و هلند.
تنها بخشی از فعالیت های گروه سرمایه گذاری بزرگ آسا می باشد.
فعالیت آسا به اینجا ختم نمی شود و خبرهای خوشی در راه است و...

ASA investment Group has officially started operations.                             

ASA one of the largest investment companies in Iran, ASA first started its activities in the construction industry.

An industry more than a thousand years old that has always been one of the concerns of the people.


Therefore, we considered it necessary to step forward to facilitate the purchase and sale of property and land for the betterment of the people.

Choosing a good and reliable property has always been a concern for buyers and sellers.

ASA came up with the idea of doing this without intermediaries.

In 2010, we started our activity in the construction industry.

Thanks to God Almighty and for your trust, now "Large real estate Khani"

Official member of Mashhad Real Estate Advisors union.

It has become one of the largest real estate consultants in the northeast of the country, with more than fifty active consultants.

Thanks to God, we have been able to achieve success over the years:

Top real estate of 2017 and 2018 from Mashhad real estate Association.

Certified in specialized courses and real estate sales management.

It has lso1004 certification for beginner counselors.

Selected online real estate trading platform consultant in2014.

The country's top real estate entrepreneur in2017 and 2018.

The country's exemplary director in2017.

International congress on smart business management in2019.


These successes were not achieved except with the efforts of all the employees of the big estate khani.

Marketing and Sales Engineering management of residential, commercial, office and residential towers and complexes and their operation and commissioning

Real estate expertise and pricing.  

Another part of large real estate activity khani.

Khani real estate advisors Group with more than 10/000 files per suffering:





And the right payment terms with 50 consultants at your service.

Exchange of participation in construction specialty.

Register all contracts in hologram and print.                




ASA will not leave you alone. Feel free to share your purchase, sale, mortgage, rent and requests with us.

Dream of becoming a housewife and experience the earth with us.                          




Central branch address: Iran - Mashhad- sayadshirazi26.

Second branch: between sayadshirazi 9 and 11.


Qasem Abad is one of the largest areas of Mashhad.

A region with a vision for the future that has attracted many investors and buyers.

So we are with you to buy and sell real estate safely.


And the earth


third branch: Holy mashhad: Qasem Abad, shahid fallahi and shariati boulevards

09155199557-   9334737541- 09151252074 :ALI Abedinzadeh

Web site:  www.ASA99.blog.ir

Email: ASA99.group@yahoo.com



Another concern of the people is the design and reconstruction of houses.

Today, interior design of home and work environment plays an important role in creating peace.

Provided that attention is paid to subtle details.

Sometimes paying attention to these seemingly small points can lead to very big and useful results.

ASA came up with the idea.

ASA after many years of activity and brilliant history in the construction industry,

Thanks to God's help, the (AMKB) consulting, design and reconstruction group was opened in2019.


  Design and reconstruction Group (AMKB),                  


Having an experienced and specializes staff in the field of consulting, design and reconstruction and implementation of interior, exterior, façade and landscaping decoration.

Ready to do very special designs and luxury interior decoration with the lowest price for you.

AMKB Group is one of the best consultants, designers and reconstructors in lran today. We are not saying this, but the satisfaction of customers and the provision of work in harmony with the day of the world is proof of this claim.



                   (AMKB) Work done by the big team


                   (AMKB) Work done by the big team


                    (AMKB) Work done by the big team


                   (AMKB) Work done by the big team               


                   (AMKB) Work done by the big team



Child room - . Performed by the big ( AMKB )                  



                   (AMKB) Work done by the big team



Cinema façade design – Afghanistan – 2019. Performed by the big (AMKB)        



These are just a few of the hundreds of great (AMKB) team activities.


Supply of anti-theft doors With Iranian and Turkish locks at the most reasonable prices in the fastest time, Another important achievement of the consulting, design and reconstruction group (AMKB).


                                                 Great team AMKB         


                                                       Great team AMKB  


So if you want a luxurious interior design for your home, villa and workplace,Just join us.


09155199557-   9334737541- 09151252074 :ALI Abedinzadeh

Web site:  www.ASA99.blog.ir

Email: ASA99.group@yahoo.com



Easy activities do not and will not end here.  In addition to the construction industry, the large ASA family has bright plans for other industries in the year of the leap.

ASA sees the future bright because if he frees man, he will go to the throne of God:

إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْیٌ یُوحَى ﴿۴) His speech is nothing but a revelation revealed

                                                                 to him. (4)

عَلَّمَهُ شَدِیدُ الْقُوَى ﴿۵﴾        The one who has great power, has trained him. (5)

ذُو مِرَّةٍ فَاسْتَوَى ﴿۶﴾                    The one who has the extraordinary

 ability and dominance over everything. (6)                                                                                           

وَهُوَ بِالْأُفُقِ الْأَعْلَى ﴿۷﴾                                  While on the throne of God. (7)

ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلَّى ﴿۸﴾                                              Then it got closer and closer. (8)

فَکَانَ قَابَ قَوْسَیْنِ أَوْ أَدْنَى ﴿۹﴾       Until his distance was two arcs or less. (9)


فَأَوْحَى إِلَى عَبْدِهِ مَا أَوْحَى ﴿۱۰﴾               Then he revealed to his servant

what he should reveal. (10)                                                                      


ASA has promised to be with the people.                                                                      

So follow the ASA that good news is on the way...                                                            

09155199557 -   9334737541- 09151252074 : ALI Abedinzadeh

Web site:  www.ASA99.blog.ir

Email: ASA99.group@yahoo.com

ASA99.group  :


ASA's large investment Group, as a big supporter of producers and business owners, has taken a big step towards the prosperity of the production leap therefore, all manufacturers and business owners can share their business in the most visited business site in Iran and the Middle East for free.

"We will bring you flowers ".                             

    09155199557-   9334737541- 09151252074 :ALI Abedinzadeh  


Email: ASA99.group@yahoo.com                                                                                                 

ASA99.group :

There is no way to globalization…